Email 37: Temple & Firestone
Written by Charles Boling - - no comments
Did you know that cats can and will bite people?
Did you know that cats can and will bite people?
Monday, our district was planning on going down to Gator Country. There, apparently you can hold alligators, see some shows, and other cool stuff. Then we got a call from the missionaries who live near there, and they said that it was raining down there. Apparently when it rains, they don't hold the said shows, and the gators aren't out nearly as much. So, we instead just went to the church and played volleyball like every other P-day. Which honestly I'm fine with.
P-day, the district's outdoor tennis & such was interrupted by a Texas downpour. Hard to get the balls to bounce right on an inch of water, so they went to a church building to finish and dry out.
This week's service was digging a ditch to drain someone's puddle from their clogged septic system away from their house. Yum!
Matthew told us about a game they played on P-day called "Love your Neighbor" that's a much more interesting version of "musical chairs". He was also involved in a minor traffic accident:
Matthew wrote on a day where I awoke at 4AM to a power outage and had to trudge through deep snow(!) to switch the house over to battery. By noon we had 14" on the ground. He, on the other hand, woke up to 70 degrees -- soon raised to upper 70's & rain -- and isn't anxious for summer!
Friday was April Fool's Day. I got up a few minutes early, and waited for President Ross to come in. Normally, he comes in at 6 am, sings to us to wake us up, then we go on a short walk with him. This time, in observation of the holiday, I screamed to scare him when he came in. The result was far better than I imagined. He screamed and jumped, then we were hanging onto each other, trying not to fall over from laughing so hard.
Matthew went on splits in Orange, and got to spend Monday on a bike!
Matthew said that last P-Day they had "a workout like no one has ever seen before", courtesy of one of the missionaries who used to be a personal trainer.
Elder Boling wishes the world a happy Pi Day.