Email 33

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Matthew told us about a game they played on P-day called "Love your Neighbor" that's a much more interesting version of "musical chairs". He was also involved in a minor traffic accident:

I had just stopped at a stopsign, when the guy behind us rear-ended us. Damage was minimal, and because the damage was less than $1000, the trooper didn't write up a report or write up a citation to anyone. After the other guy left, the trooper told us that the other guy really didn't like that it was his fault, and if he tried to change the story, then the trooper would write up a report and give the other guy a citation.

Matthew also got a new companion Thursday:

He is from Mesa, Arizona (eighth companion, and none of them from Utah yet!), and has three sisters. He can't eat gluten, dairy, and peanuts, which makes member meals interesting.

The next day the mission president sent us a letter informing us that Matthew had been assigned to serve as district leader.

Matthew sent us a video of a leaking water pipe that runs under their house, and noted that his emails were getting shorter because he couldn't think of new things to tell us about.





Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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