Email 30: Bike & Flare

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Matthew went on splits in Orange, and got to spend Monday on a bike!

I was a little dehydrated after riding. I drunk half a gallon of water when I came back, and still didn't need to

...well, you know.

Tuesday, I was tired. So I took two naps. A thunderstorm also moved through the area, so we drove in the morning instead of riding bikes. Tuesday evening, Elder McAffee and I saw a strange orange flickering thingy in the sky. We had no idea what it was. We eventually figured out that the Exxon Mobil refinery was on fire, and they had set off a flare.

Saturday evening's visiting:

...we went Inspired Knocking and Street Contacting. We were walking by this one house, when a lady waved us down, and we went over to talk to her. She wasn't really interested in hearing a message...but she did give us some water. She also gave us a referral! She said the people directly across the street had just moved in, and were looking for a church to go to. Perfect situation, right? So we went over there, and they actually let us in! Then we found out that they were members, and were currently attending a ward in Port Arthur. We eventually convinced them to come to our building for church tomorrow. After a good conversation, we headed a few doors down and visited [a member family]. Turns out, they were having a Crawfish Boil and had a lot of people over there. We told them of our investigators, and told them that their daughter could be a friend to [her], who really wants friends at church before she will regularly come to church.

He closed noting that Wednesday is forecast to hit 88 degrees.


Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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