Email 98: Trunky papers

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

This week continued the frustrating trend of most of the people that they're teaching not showing up to their appointments, and wasting the time of the missionaries and ward members. (In one case, they coordinated with two different families to provide car seats and a ride to church.)  Still, they kept trying and occupied their time doing whatever good they could.

This week was also a week of saying good-bye to people in the mission, with only 1.5 weeks left now before two of the three elders in the companionship leave. He got his official travel packet this week.

Being July, it was hot, of course, when it wasn't raining. One day they were so soaked that they went to "Mama's house" and changed clothes and she dried their other outfits while the power kept threatening to go out.

At one of his dinner appts., Matthew "had the opportunity to try gator milk. It's kind of sweet, but not too bad overall." (Editor's note: "gator milk" refers to one of several drink blends -- in this case, the formula being 1 Tbsp lemon-lime Gatorade powder & 12 oz. cow's milk -- not actual milk from alligators.)

Standing in the downpour

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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