Flying home -- really!

Written by Charles Boling - - 1 comment

As I write this, Alexander is in the air between Denver an Dallas, where he'll have a layover before flying to Portland, where we expect to pick him up a little after 9PM.

The missionary department further tightened the requirements for keeping missionaries in the field during the COVID-19 shutdown, and because of Elder Boling's asthma, Pres. Savage was forced to release him.

So...instead of hunkering down in his apartment with his companion to avoid the virus, he's hanging out in two public airports, sharing a couple of planes with people, then coming to a home with 14 other people in it. :-)

Given the uncertainty of the virus, he was honorably released so that he'll have maximum flexibility at this point. Once this blows over, he will likely have the opportunity to apply to serve another full-time mission, likely in a different area, but we'll just have to wait for the next book in this series to be written!

I share with you a final letter from the mission field, not from Elder Boling, but to Elder Boling from his mission president:

 Elder Boling,

What a complete joy it has been to serve these past 5 months with you here in Denver, Colorado. You have become an incredible disciple of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your wonderful example and impact you had on companions, those you have taught, the members of the church, your districts, zones, and all who have met and served with you. We love you and cannot be more grateful for you and your service.

We love this scripture, it is a beautiful reminder of your excellent mission. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that when I give a commandment to any of the daughters of men to do a work unto my name, and those daughters of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work, and cease not their diligence, and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those daughters of men, but to accept of their offerings.” Doctrine Covenants 124:49. The Lord has accepted your mission entirely. Congratulations!

. . .

We love you, we will miss you, we will never forget you, and your service on your FIRST full-time mission here in Colorado.

Here is to the next 30 years!

President & Sister Savage


Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

1 comment

#1  - Miriana said :

Alexander got home today, having served and completed a full-time four month mission. I was very sad on Monday when I heard that his mission was going to be so short, but he is satisfied. There is definitely a change in Alexander, even after just four months. This whole experience has definitely strengthened my testimony and deepened my love for missionary work. I am glad that our family had the missionary experience that we did, even if it was much shorter than we anticipated.


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