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Written by Charles Boling - - no comments
Last week, Elders Elggren and Powell found out that it is indeed bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. As a result, they had to get the windshield of their car replaced.
Last week, Elders Elggren and Powell found out that it is indeed bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. As a result, they had to get the windshield of their car replaced.
(Note the late addition of the rameumpton pic to last week's article.)
Monday, a few companionships in the area went to Sheldon park to take a walk and climb an observation tower.
Tuesday was a day of everything falling through.
This week's highlights were making banana bread, a rameumpton (and using it for district council mtg), and going to someone's house and bathing 16 dogs.
Forgot to include this little snippet from last week:Wednesday, I sneezed, and discovered I had an ear infection.
Monday was the first day in a couple weeks that I could really span an octive on the piano! So I spent a while playing the piano. I've been playing ever since the day of my surgery, but hymns are a lot easier whenever I can span an octive with my left hand. I also jumped off the stage (yes, same stage) and was able to reach around and up and touch the basketball rim in mid-air. No, I did not try grabbing on.