Email 75

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Last week, Elders Elggren and Powell found out that it is indeed bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. As a result, they had to get the windshield of their car replaced.

Tuesday, I made pizza for dinner for Elder Jensen and I. I found a recipe for pizza dough that sounded like it would turn out, so I went for it. Yes, it turned out great, and nothing too exciting happened (no oven fires, no dropping pizza on an freshly alcoholed floor, and no cats came in to steal our pizza).

(He also made a beautifull calzone and some rolls that didn't rise the 1st time so ended up a little dense because he ran short of time.)

This week was filled w/ appts. w/ "long-winded" people.

Most of those long-winded "lessons" are the other person either rambling on about something totally unrelated, or them preaching to us.


a stop-teaching lesson with the two people that were on date for baptism. Four weeks in a row, they said they would come to church. But they haven't, even when we confirm with them Sunday morning that they are coming.

Wrist update:

Thursday, I went to the doctor in Beaumont for a follow-up apointment for my wrist. The Area Orthopedic Advisor (over seven missions or so) does not agree with what the doctor said. The doctor said that my wrist was almost healed, and I didn't need to wear my brace anymore, and as I used my wrist, I would get all of the movement back. What the AOA said was that I still needed to be really careful of my wrist (don't need to wear the brace though), and she gave me some stretches and excercises to do to help me gain mobility and strength back. Personally, I'm much more on the same wavelength as the AOA. [Editor: Shocking!]  The crack in the bone is still visible, and I don't see how I will get flexibility back in my wrist if I don't actively stretch it.

And, the tire...

Friday was District Coun - nope, it was a flat tire. The one time we didn't leave way early for District Council was the one day that we had a flat tire. So we had to put the spare on. Elder Jensen did not know how to change a tire (why are there so many missionaries out that don't know how to change a tire??? If you remember from last transfer, I changed Elders Elggren and Ellis' tire Sunday morning because neither of them knew how to change a tire), so I changed it. Since we were going to be late, I did a speed run of changing it. It took eight minutes from the time I messaged our district that we were going to be late (that was before I started anything on the process), to the time that we were getting back in the car.

This was transfer week (thus the Tuesday letter instead of Monday)

Elder Jensen and I are staying together for another transfer. This will be my first time staying with a companion for two transfers, and also my first time staying for three transfers in an area. After this, I will most likely have one area left on my mission.

I am getting old... the sisters that I came out with are going home tomorrow.

And finally, it got cold enough to snow a tiny bit!

-- but not as cold as elsewhere.

Here is the "Matthew nerd stuff":
On Saturday, Mt. Washington in New Hampshire set a new record for the coldest wind chill in the United States: -108 degrees.


Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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