Barber & Stk Conf

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Today, Matthew had his hair cut at a barber shop for the first time! (A branch member offered to pay for them to go. Were they looking shaggy?) In Spring, one of the ward members (a professional stylist) cut the missionaries hair, and he's cut his own hair a couple of times since.

They did a lot of service this week. Pickups do come in handy for that!  Their service Saturday fell through, though, so they went to stake conference -- or tried to, at least. Short on miles, they went to the closest building where it was being broadcast, only to find it empty. (Apparently they only broadcast the Sunday morning session!) They drove on to the stk center, and found it vacant as well!  For some reason the stake decided to hold the adult session at a different meetinghouse.  Already going to be over on miles and now very late, they bagged it, went to visit a local missionary who was sick (and who waited until after they'd been there half an hour to tell them that he was "extremely" contagious) before they returned home.  Sunday they rode to conference w/ a member they'd previously made arrangements with.

Matthew give us a report on the national & local weather (pretty usual for his letters) and shared a screenshot of Google Maps showing what a mess traffic was (basically all freeways closed) in the Dallas-Ft Worth area during a freezing rain storm.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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