Email 25: Prison

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

P-day is on Tuesday this week! Because President's Day is on Monday, P-day was moved to Tuesday so that we could be out and about when more people were home for the holiday. Or maybe President Larkin just wanted to enjoy his day.

Some exerpts from this week's mail:

our area is trying a new thing with P-day hours for the next couple of weeks. Normally P-day is from 8am through 6pm and then after that is missionary work. But after dark, you can't really do missionary work here. Many people have been annoyed with us because we have knocked on their door so late (6:30 pm). For today and next week only, P-day hours are from 8am through 2pm, and from 5pm through 9pm. Missionary work is from 2pm through 5pm. Once daylight savings time comes, President says that we should switch back to the usual schedule.

On Monday, I had to endure a slew of emails from home that I couldn't respond to because it wasn't P-day.

On Wednesday, Elder Cabiness and I were sent to prison. Fortunately, they didn't keep us there for very long, and after talking to the Chaplain and telling him who we were and what we did, we were able to leave that same day.

On Thursday, we had interviews with President Larkin at the Silsbee chapel. It was so nice to have interviews in-person again!

Okay, you deserve an explanation for the prison story on Wednesday. Our Branch President asked us to go to the prison to see if we could talk to some of the members that are in there (three or four I think). We got there, and after shouting back and forth to the guard in the tower (fortunately he wasn't hard of hearing) and passing up our ID to him in a cloth sack on a rope (like in the Dr. Seuss book "The Lorax"), the prison Chaplain came out and we got to talk with him for a bit. To get in as a visitor, you have to get on the visitation list for each prisoner that you want to visit (max 10 visitors per prisoner on the list). If we wanted to go in as a preacher and hold a worship service or something, we would have to go through some online training to be able to do that. And each successive missionary would have to go through the training. So, it isn't really feasable for missionaries who cycle pretty quickly to go into the prison.




Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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