
Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Emergency transfer!

Saturday evening Matthew got word that he was being transferred today to cover for a missionary that had to go home early.  The missionary in question was training a new elder, so Matthew will take over that responsibility, having only 2 months in the field himself.

He leaves the area with two investigators scheduled for baptism. He also leaves having played the piano for his first zone conference. He was pleased that he was able to play two new songs flawlessly with minimal practice.

Another first:

...we played paintball....I can testify that the paint that they use is exceedingly nasty.



This map shows his old stake (Spring), which also corresponded to his missionary zone, and his new stake (Spring). Woodville is in the upper left of the NW part of the stake.

Map showing old & new stakes


This one zooms in on his old area

Old ward


And this one shows the boundary of his new area (Woodville Branch). Woodville's population is about 2,500.



Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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