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Written by Charles Boling - - no comments
Lampshade or hat? You decide!

Today was transfers, so they moved P-Day to coincide with it.

From Matthew:

this week has been the busiest of this transfer so far. We have had lessons and appointments non-stop.

We carved pumpkins at the Heeger's house and again at the Fielding’s house.

On Wednesday, we were under a Tornado warning. There were a couple of tornados in the Spring area, but I didn't see any. It's kind of annoying to me that the radar map on the weather app doesn't work. Talking to others, it works on some phones but not on others.

It cooled off a bit this week. One morning it was about 63 degrees and a slight breeze. "Slight" meaning about 5 mph. My companions stepped outside and decided that it was too cold to go running. So we had to go for a short walk and call it good.

Gee, what would his poor companions do here? 63's about the max temperature that Matthew would consider good for running!

One of his companions transferred out, and he hadn't met the incoming elder yet.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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