Email 6

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments
1st dinner appt.

On Monday evening, we went on exchanges, where we and another companionship swapped companions for 24 hours. Unfortunately, almost all of my clothing was in the wash, because I thought we were leaving Tuesday morning, rather than Monday night.
During exchanges was when I visited the Balls. That was fun.

Friday was zone conference. Our zone got together with a neighboring zone for six hours and did vehicle inspections, meetings, and lunch together. During zone conference, I and several other missionaries performed a musical number. It was the words to "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" sung to the tune of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". It didn't go too badly, considering that our first practice together was an hour before conference started. Also at zone conference, I met an elder with the last name of Elder. So his name was Elder Elder.

The weather here hasn't been too bad, considering, but the worst part is the mornings when it is in the mid-70s to 80s and we get up to go running. It looks like it is supposed to cool off this weekend though.
I saw that Kalama has a frost advisory tonight.

Zone members


Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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