Email 4 #2

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

You know that Matthew's focused on the Lord's work when he loses track of a number sequence. :-)

A couple of fun tidbits that he "forgot to include in previous emails:"

  • His first night in Houston, he met a missionary who Alexander beat at arm wrestling in the MTC.
  • He found it fun to skip fish like skipping rocks.

On this week:

It has been a very hectic week. Last week, one of my companions had to go to Urgent Care three times. He had to get blood drawn, and to get a prescription for a poison Ivy rash. This week, he got sick on Thursday, and has been feeling up and down since then. I got sick mildly Thursday evening, but felt fine by Friday. The only symptom is stomach pain. My other companion didn't get it at all.

We had one good lightning storm so far - It lasted maybe 18 hours or so, but during the night, the thunder kept shaking our apartment. It also rained for a few days last week which was nice. It is later in the year, so the rain does bring cooler weather. I mean, there was actually one low that was below 60. Of course my companions were freezing and went running in hoodies that morning, but I put on my baseball cap and sunglasses (best setup to keep rain off your face!) and ran like that.

For General Conference, we went to five different member's houses to watch. When I heard President Nelson announce the Rexburg North Idaho temple, I knew that Miriana would be way past Incredibly Excited on the mood spectrum. When Elder Cook showed the picture of him in Liberty Jail, I figured that there was excitement going on at home ("I know where that is now! I can actually picture it!"). Also, when Elder Douglass was talking about hurricanes, I figured that people at home were thinking of me. I actually used that same analogy in a sacrament meeting talk. Speaking of that, what hurricane name is the Atlantic on now?

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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What is the second letter of the word dykrj?