Official Email #8: Transfers already???
Written by Charles Boling - - no comments
...on Transfer week, P-day is delayed until Thursday. Most of our awesome district is still together, including me. Elder Day went to Aurora, a biking area. How fun in zero degree weather! I am staying exactly where I was before, with a car, and I got a great companion named Elder Koopmans....Elder Koopmans is awesome. We are already great friends, and we only have known each other for a couple of hours.
He also shared a bunch of pictures. You can view them all here, at least for a while.
#1: This was our bedroom at the MTC. I slept here with Elder Branson, Brunner, and Schley.
#2: Santa. Y knot?
#3: This is a picture of the Elders in my MTC district with Sister Ogden, the best MTC teacher ever!
#4: Our apartment washer is not HE and does have an agitator.
#5: The controls are simple to understand too.
#6: This is the table at our apartment. The Sisters aparently have even more snacks than we do.
#7: We got stuck behind a train. We had fun while we were there.
#8: This is me and the Spanish Elders. Elder Cano is one of my favorite people.
#9: This is in the living room.
#10: This is the bedroom, with Elder Day.
#11: This is the living room. The snowman is Ryan. Ryan helps us out during role plays. He is also a great scapegoat.
#12: Colorado.
#13: This is a sunset. It looks almost exactly the same in the picture as it did in real life.
#14: This is Elder Pangrel. He will be great at disinfecting Intelitech of the Win/Stratt virus. He wants to also, if he can.
#15: Colorado.
#16: Me, Elder Campbell (my brother), Elder Day (my father), Elder Hales (my other brother).
#17: I made a snowman. I wish we had time to make a bigger one.
#18: We shoveled a driveway to get a let-in.
#19: Our apartment complex.
#20: Colorado.
#21: I'm not sure how this one got in this spot, but this is my MTC district in front of the Temple.
#22: Elder Day and I in front of the Temple.
#23: Most of our zone. The good looking one in the middle is Elder Cano.
#24, 25, and 26: We had a district P-day and our district painted llamas and rocket ships with hearts. Sisters' idea. We enjoyed it though.