Email #6: There is no reason not to go.

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Alexander wrote today, with lots of advice (mostly, but not all, related to mission preparation) for his siblings.

Some other things he shared:

    I got to drive for the first time! The strangest thing, other than the push button start, and having less guts than the Saturn, was that the brake pedal was very sensitive. ...
    The reason I got to drive was because we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. Elder Day left and spent 24 hours with one of the Zone Leaders, and the other Zone Leader (Elder Pangerl) came here to stay at our apartment. 
Elder Pangerl has been on his mission for 18 months so far. ...
    I love how much "greenie" Elder Day and Elder Pangerl still have in them. I can't explain it, but they are very experienced and yet are still excited to be out. Both of them are awesome missionaries and trainers.
    To Dad: I found out that Elder Pangerl is interested in computers, is not a Windows fan, normally runs a specialized version of Linux,... I told him about our home computer setup, and not only did he understand every word I said, but he likes it and even admires you. He is also something of a mechanic. He really is a great guy.   He is also going into cyber security.
Missionary work is a lot of fun! Definitely the hardest (above college) and the best (better than Camp Helaman) thing I have ever done in my life. My dream is to see twelve-and I mean twelve-of my siblings go on missions of their own. There is no reason not to go. There is no reason not to go. There is no reason not to go. 
I love you all so much!
-Elder Boling 


Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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