Email 93: Last temple trip

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

This particular period of missionary work is winding down, action all-too-soon to be replaced by memories. Tuesday was the last trip to the Houston temple for both Matthew and Pres. Larkin, who should be released next month shortly before Matthew returns home.

They were also supposed to atend the temple Friday as part of their "Faith Meets Family" program where they get to go with recent converts, but a storm Thursday knocked out power to the entire area, and after a day on backup power, the temple finally closed Friday and their trip was canceled.

Yesterday we called him in the evening to wish him a happy birthday. We contacted a friend in his stake to get his phone#, but she gave us the number of the wrong companionship -- but by happy coincidence they were at his apt. to deliver a birthday cake, so we still got to talk to him!

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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