Email 82: Back to the beginning

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

As mentioned last week, Matthew's back to Spring. The map below shows his new wards bordering the 1st ward that he served in.

One of the first things he did on arrival was to talk to apartment management and get their air conditioner (which had died 2 weeks before) fixed. He also taught his new companion how to change his tire. It's a bike-heavy area, so I expect that it'll be well used. They put on 20 miles one day.

He said that Sunday was "mercifully cool" as they biked to church twice in suit coats. In the evening they dropped in on a mission prep class.

Saturday was fun. In the morning he got to join the zone in their traditional weekly Ultimate Frisbee game w/ other people from the local neighborhoods that he enjoyed when he was there the first time. In the evening a family took them to a "BBQ & Burgers" place (15mi away and outside the mission, so they got the president's permission) for dinner.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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